7.4.2023~ Too Real Tuesday Writing Prompt ~ The Power of Purposeful Writing ~ Daily Writing Prompts~ Writing Practice for Balance and Creativity

Suze Muses

“All my bags are packed and I’m ready to go…” Lula and Esmeralda know something is up. They have been full of frenetic energy and constantly under foot. I will take 80 to Sacramento and then beautiful route 50 – The Loneliest Highway. I hope to get to the border of Utah. Best laid plans and all… Author Rachel Naomi Remen, who is also a self-help maven wrote that “A question is a good traveling companion” and I agree.  I came up with a couple of doozies to ponder as I ride across this beautiful land with my two favorite companions – Esmeralda and Lula. “Let the wild rumpus start!”

Too Real Tuesday Writing Prompt ~ What is a good question for you to ponder? Ponder it through your writing. Use all your tools.



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