6.25.2023 ~ Soulful Shared Stories Sunday Writing Prompt ~ The Power of Purposeful Writing ~ Daily Writing Prompts~ Writing Practice for Balance and Creativity

Save the Date! Sunday, July 2nd!!I at 1pm PT / 4pm ET – in just one week – it’s Memoir Church at Manuscript Mentor. Our hour-long Zoom Program on the First Sunday of Every Month has stories sure to move you.  On the 2nd of July, I get to have a conversation with Dewey Davis-Thompson about his work, his process, his muses and the writing life.  It’ll be a rich hour. Please mark your calendars. 

Suze Muses

Today I’d like to introduce you to my friend and colleague, Dewey Davis Thompson who will be our featured writer at Memoir Church a week from today. I have been working with and loving on Dewey since I met him at the Dramatist Guild 7 years ago. The second we saw each other we both went, “Oh here you are!” And that was that. He is my brother, my confidant and my web guru – my Internet Adept.

(If you need a website, I highly recommend him.) 

Dewey’s writing is often otherworldly and yet yummily relatable. At present he is hard at work on his memoir and it is my great privilege to be his writing coach and manuscript midwife. His work is riveting. You can both sink into and soar with his tales of growing up on a sailboat, traveling around the world, being in the Peace Corp with his family, going to New College, becoming a web creator at the very beginning of the world wide web, hosting a radio show and being a playwright, opera lyricist and theatre producer. His love of Alan Watts, the Mayan calendar combined with  having a very big brain that he uses so much more of than most of us do, keeps me on my toes. I learn a lot from Dewey. And he is FUNNY!! His take on life is playful, far reaching, eclectic and thoughtful. He makes up words and phrases I have affectionately christened “Deweyisms” which pepper his writing in the most delightful and uniquely expressive way. Won’t you please join me on Sunday, July 2nd for an hour with the ever entertaining and lovely lyrical Dewey Davis-Thompson?

Soulful Shared Stories Sunday Writing Prompt ~ Tell a story only you can tell. A tale from your life that you do not want to die with you – one you want to share with your family, friends, the world, well, because you can.



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