6.2.2023 ~ Ferocious Friday Writing Prompt ~ The Power of Purposeful Writing ~ Daily Writing Prompts~ Writing Practice for Balance and Creativity

Suze Muses

It takes true grit and unrelenting resolve to be yourself and bring your gifts forward. The world asks you to dim your light, be small, be quiet, conform and seek security. Well, “Screw that!”  A great seated yoga posture – Simhasana or Lion’s Pose, has you stick out your tongue and release your “lion’s breath” I like to growl with my exhale– loudly and ferociously. It puts me right inside my body, releases my anger, stress and toxins. (it is good for your immune system!) Politeness is a lovely quality as far as manners go but being polite while your values, your true you and your world view are at stake does a disservice to you and the people around you. Be tenaciously yourself. It may be uncomfortable sometimes to go against the grain but the reward is a shinier self. Swim upstream. Fight the status quo. “Stick it to the man!” Live your beliefs. Roooarrrrrr!

Erik Rittenberry writes, Be. Alive. Now. As the great writer, Llewelyn Powys once said, “We should grow less involved in society and more deeply involved in existence.”

To live in the mode of “BEING” instead of the fruitless manner of “HAVING” is to be active, not in the mindless busy sense, but inner activity, to give expression to one’s own deep-seated yearnings and talents. To renew yourself daily, to grow, to learn, to be in forever search of the sublime.  

Do dangerous things. Uncivilize a bit. Explore the natural world. Forget about your reputation. Put your bare feet on the earth. Be astonished. Create something. 

Yup – go on – do dangerous things.

Ferocious Friday Writing Prompt ~ Write about a situation you found or find yourself in where you want to scream. Where, whatever is being said and whatever is going on is on your last nerve because it’s not right or you shouldn’t be there because that situation, event, happening is NOT FOR YOU. Roar it onto the page.