Suze Muses
Inequity, injustice and inhumanity are consuming the minds and hearts of the citizens of the world in ever bigger numbers. The daily news stuns me. I don’t grow immune to the violence of the thoughts and the actions we perpetrate on one another. As an empath and an early adopter of hopefulness, I am overcome by the absurd notion that if we could just open our eyes to the idea that what mostly everyone under the sun really wants is love, connection and a sense of belonging less harm would be done. Hating is easy. It is the front for fear, insecurity, the feeling we are the one that doesn’t measure up, otherness, scarcity – hate projects outwards, like a detonated bomb, blowing up everything and everyone who is not like us, who has something we think should be ours. Love comes from inside out to envelope others, cleave them to us in a full embrace of who they are. The only way I can cope with the way things are going and make sense of my existence is to flood my life with love and kindness and compassion. It is not easy but it works. For me. And I keep talking about it. “They just need love. They just need love. We just need love.” My mantra in these trying times.
Ferocious Friday Writing Prompt ~ Write about a time when you knew you needed to speak up and you didn’t. What kept you silent?