5.10.23 ~ Wide Open Wednesday Writing Prompt ~ The Power of Purposeful Writing ~ Daily Writing Prompts~ Writing Practice for Balance and Creativity

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.” 
― Anais Nin

I wrote a memoir about my grandmother who we called Meme (not Memé even though she was French) because my youngest brother couldn’t say Grammy and Meme came out. It stuck. Meme was an ordinary woman with an extraordinary capacity for love and kindness. When I wrote our stories, I could feel her love for me all over again in deep and wondrous ways. Her presence was palpable. What a joy to experience her, to savor her goodness again. Writing evokes my sense memories and gifts me with new perspective and deeper appreciation for what I have lived through. 

Wide Open Wednesday Writing Prompt ~ What is one of the best meals you ever had? See it, smell it, savor it. Where were you? Who were you with? Write in such detail that you taste it all over again.